Bumpyroad wrote:
I haven't checked back to see if any body has mentioned it yet, but if every one dropped back the "recommended" spacing, 1 car length per 10 mph or whatever, you would end up with the traffic moving backwards as new cars got into the mix.
I don't think that '1 car length per 10 mph' has been a recommendation for a long time. Mostly I have heard spacing given in seconds, not distance. And most do not mention that if you are following a car that can stop faster than you, you need to add time that you would be moving to the 2 seconds it takes you to react. In other words, a car 3 seconds behind a TT is likely not tailgating, but the TV pulling a TT 3 seconds behind the car probably is.
When I was old enough to get my DL, I drove 60 miles to Mom's house. She took me up to office, I took the written test to get the permit, then got in line for drivers part. Left with DL, drove back to farm. Next Sat night showing off my car, the first time driving it to town, a Deputy stopped me. Looked at DL, "I have seen you driving for years!"
Bumpyroad wrote:
toedtoes wrote:
My Mom wouldn't let us drive home after getting our permits or licenses. Her observations showed a lot of kids getting into accidents on those two days - so she removed them from the equation.
I can certainly agree on not letting a kid drive solo. I remember some states restricting driving with two young drivers. If one kid has an IQ of 100 and another gets in with an IQ of 100 the combined IQ would total out to about 60.
This is 1 reason I always say the best vehicle for first car is a regular cab small pickup with 4 cyl, manual transmission. The low power reduces chance of showing off. Manual transmission mean pay more attention to driving. The frame IMHO is better when (not if) they wreck.
And most important; Think back, every time you got in trouble, or should of got in trouble, there was 3-4 friends in the car with you. The little cab reduces that chance.