Thunderbolt wrote:
MFL wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
"but as you increase speed you also need more distance to give enough time to react"
My statement does exactly that! Faster you drive there will be more distance between you. Two seconds at 90 the distance between will be greater than at 55.
I stand by Mr Purvis' drivers ed recommendations many years later.
Exactly...I knew someone would question this, not thinking it through! I drove to drivers ed, but was not old enough to have a license yet. D's ed was fun, and I did learn from the experience.
I have thought it through and regardless I stand by that 2 seconds will not be enough at greater speeds. Even though the distance will be greater I just don't see the increase being enough to compensate for the increased stopping distance it would take to react and actually stop if something happens in front of you. Most of the accidents as well as traffic jams I see on my 40 mile commute to work are from people following to close to the cars in front of them. I understand what you guys are talking about as I was taught the 2 second rule as well, but I just don't think it is enough at greater speeds. To each there own.
The rule is actually "at least three seconds" not "two seconds". As I mentioned above, the two seconds started being used to try to get commuters to back off the car in front of them without having them complain about other vehicles moving into that empty space.
The "at least" is to account for other factors - such as high speeds.