I've had nothing but SRW until '18. Towing 5er's since '05, Driving semis since '85 (oh man saying this makes me feel old.....LOL). Always thought my '03 & '15 were towing greats and yes I did slightly mod the rear susp to aid in squat and body roll. I was over all the weight capacities of the '03, still towed and handled fine, but just had to keep in mind of not getting into a wreck. Traded the '03 for a '15 SRW and that handled the '06 5er even better and I loved both of these trucks. Then came the upgraded 5er which was within most of the '15's limits, but not by much. Tires were the weakest link. Again, truck towed it great, but had this gut feeling in pit of my stomach that wouldn't go away as we are now thinking of summer trip to FL for '18. Knowing the tires were the weak link and other factors, decided to go w/ the DRW----hence a left over, yet new '17 DRW. Towing wise it's AWESOME and DW said she feels more comfy driving it when towing when she relieves me for spells and she does NOT tow very often. Yes I have to adjust for drive thrus and that's about it cuz I park far out in lots and getting fuel is no different than when town anything.
Biggest gripe and it's been said is winter driving. It stinks even w/ 1200 lbs of tube sand. In this instance, I'd prefer a SRW. I cannot afford a smaller truck to bop around in which would be nice, but playing the cards I'm dealt with, I make due w/ the DRW. If I have a app't that I know I cannot fit the truck into their lot, DW & I swap vehicles for the day as she has a VW Passat.Bottom line is, yes I would love to have a SRW truck but weight of RV dictates the need for a DRW (some would say otherwise here), but for a heavier weight pin/RV, DRW is way to go. I don't go off-road and and use truck in winter to tow a 4 place V-nose enclosed snowmobile trailer and again, truck stinks in snow, but make do. So OP you need to consider the weight of the RV you have now or may want to upgrade to later so just have to make 1 truck purchase. For us, it was piece of mind with the RV and actually, IMO was worth it especially when the DW is driving and feels comfy w/ it.