I've had the system on two campers. Absolutely loved it! the ONLY issue i had, had more to do with where I lived, a block from the Oregon Coast. That issue was rust. When I lived in the valley, it was completely rust free. Without a doubt, it was worth every penny and then some. On both occasions, I went to Montana and had the maker do the install. Again, wonderful experience.
There was so much adjustability, it was like cheating vs the dumb jacks that were scarey as hell when raising and lowering a 4000+ lb camper. Being able to drop her in a minute with zero regard for any fear of jacks collapsing, was priceless. The system doesn't care if your un level, it will compensate for it when you simply alter your raising from a particular side. I believe they used to say 70mph winds filly extended was what they rated it at.