notsobigjoe wrote:
Reddog1 wrote:
notsobigjoe, any particular reason for mounting the single jack on the passenger side? Does the two jack side cause problems with the fuel filler?
Mont peters said I should have the two jacks under the heavy side. The fridge is in the slide as well as the batteries are all on that side. Most would have installed it the correct way but he said I and a couple of others were the exception. It was a little tricky in the beginning being on the wrong side and all. Over time it became normal. I have no problems with it anymore.
I am not sure there is a correct way. I did not think of the weight factor, but it does make sense. Depending on which jacks they are using, I think they are about 3000 LBS each. When I install mine on my DRW I will take another look at the weight issue. I think I am okay with the single jack on the driver side.
Don't understimate how rough the terrain can be for the Stable Lift. It is not a graded road only system. Even though it reduces the ground clearance about 3 inches, it is not made of thin wall tubing like the four jack systems, nor is it installed with lag screws or bolts. On a DRW truck, you will be at a 102" width (maybe 104 inches) as I recall. Right at maximum legal width.
Unless you have or have had one use caution reaching conclusions as to what it will or will not do. No question, it is not for everyone.