Freep wrote:
Reddog1 wrote:
I also said I never would go back to "corner peg-legs", but I have. Went from my SRW 2WD to my new to me DRW 4x4. I had to remove the lift for the DRW. I have every intention to modify my lift from the SRW to DRW this winter.
Please post plenty of pictures when you do this modification. I'm trying to convince my wife to go with the stable-lift but she thinks it's ugly.
I'm the one who gets to do the loading and unloading. Maybe I should get her to do it a couple of times and see if that changes her mind.
Sharing thoughts on what is and what is not ugly can really cause hurt feelings. For example could you imagine being in a public place and telling someone they had an ugly baby and it was so ugly you would not have it? :B I think when you have a Stable Lift and you don't like the looks it is like one of your kids, you get used to it. Some people just do not like the looks of the lift. I personally do not like the white lifts on all colors of trucks. When I bought mine I had to pay $250 extra for black. Just my preference.
I don't like most of the decals on TC, to me most look tacky and overtime they fail and look awful.
You may be the one who loads and unloads the TC, but there is a way to impress her. With your TC loaded, during strong gusty wind raise the TC off the bed with the wife standing beside you. Watch the TC sway. You can can bump it up by doing the same thing on moist/wet ground, and watch the jacks slowly sink in the ground. I suggest this test with the TC on the truck simply because it is so unsafe with the standard four jack system. There are time you will be camping with the TC unloaded when the wind comes up, what do you do? I have never had a problem loading or unloading in windy conditions with my Stable Lift. Fact is, when my wife watched me load my TC in the rain Nd strong wind, she demanded I buy the ugly lift.
TCs with four jacks look pretty ugly to me when they are off the truck. Mine is no exception. They look like a big potato with four toothpicks sticking out of it. :R I have never seen any that did not wobble, the more they are extended, the more they wobble.