Wayne... Astute observation. A big potato with 4 toothpicks... Of course they wobble, part of the 'TC experience'....lol
Why I park mine in the 'L' shaped corner between the garage and the shop. I can leave it at load height without fear of it 'blowing over' in the wind.
Back to reality..
I know that Lance states that you can occupy (use) the camper off the truck (states that in the owners manual), at least I think it did in as much as I no longer own the Lance, I seem to remember that but...
Does that apply to all makes of truck campers? Not sure about that.
I seem to remember Kayteg posting a picture of his Fleetwood (I think) off the truck and it showed a gap between the floor and the cabinets where the floor was bowing down, from, I presume the pressure of the jacks exerted on the sides, causing the floor to bow. Wouldn't occupying a camper that does that amplify the issue?
My P'up don't do that but I remember his picture a while ago. My owners manual does not state one way or another about occupying the unit off truck, something I'll check out with Palomino next time I visit the factory which will be this fall as I need to pick up some upgrades I want to install.