Kayteg1 wrote:
Reddog1 wrote:
I am amazed I did not go on my side. With conventional tie downs, they would have ripped off and the TC would have flipped out of the bed.
I always wonder about ties weak point as bend hooks on Fastguns don't get much of my trust, but one member reported that he run over a bump or whatever and bend his tie-downs, so that would make the weak point.
Obviously on older camper -brackets holding to rotten wood can become the weakest point.
Rear ties are advised to be adjusted with no tension and sometimes I have mine rattling.
I took 18% forest grade with my 11-11" camper and was far from wheeling. Fact is that I measure the grade later and it was quite a shock.
I was going north on I-5 this June, hit a dip/ bump and my TC rocked forward just enough to put a ever so slight dimple in the header of the bed. I checked my tie downs and sure enough the back tie downs needed a turn or two to be at Torklifts suggested tension. So do check all your tiedowns a day or so after loading your camper on your truck.