Forum Discussion

Old_Days's avatar
Explorer II
Mar 22, 2015

Stable load question

I will be receiving my stable loads this Friday. I have been watching you-tube on how to install them on my truck. I own a 2011 Ford F250 and a Lance 825 TC which I estimate will weight approx. 2700 lbs. loaded. How many wedge shims do I need to install, 2 or 3? To me, 3 looks like it may be too much. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
  • Thanks. I am going outside to measure the space between the springs.The truck only has about 1 inch of sag so I hope this will solve the problem.
  • *Disclaimer* Mine is a 2001 with a different style of leaf pack.

    However, If I remember correctly, each shim is 1/4 inch thick. I used 2 on on the front, and all three on the rear. The front 2 just slide under and make contact with no load. The rear is an inch away and likely only hits on large bumps. I wish the rear set was thicker, adn have considered making at least one larger plate to go under the stock ones.