Forum Discussion

kerrlakeRoo's avatar
Mar 29, 2017

Starting from scratch

We are looking at selling the house and hitting the road.
Currently we are planning on budgeting $75k for this endeavor.
$35k for a new 3/4 ton 4wd pickup
$25-$30k for a TT planning around 26-30' rear kitchen with 2 slides and at least 70 gal grey tank. (currently leaning Rockwood)
$5k for a pair of 150-250 cc scooters for exploring the back roads out west.
We hope to hit Ak the first couple summers, winter in Az and NM, before going to a Wy/Id/Wa summer and Tx/Ms/Al winter pattern
Any suggestions for changes to my previous items are appreciated.
Tx Russ
  • Spend a grand or so more and get a 3500 series. More capacity for your load.