My thought is that if you cannot deploy your slide or have lights illuminating your blinds, you are not be welcome to stay there overnight. This does not mean that you set up camp or run your generator after dark, but that is about politeness and respect and not about sneakiness. Right now our single slide is curb side and does not interfere with traffic when parallel parked. Once we move up to a larger TC, we will most likely not be able park along the street since all of the layouts we like require the street side slide to be opened for access.
We prefer to stay around people if boon docking. When traveling in a group, the safety in numbers helps open up isolated areas where we would not think about staying alone. Although I have the capability of protecting life and property, it is not something I want to test by taking unnecessary risks. As has been written before, crime is drawn to opportunity.
My rig dimensions are close to Bryan's - He has a longer truck while I have a longer trailer. Something Bryan didn't mention, but his satellite photos may show is the amount of vegetation along the road where you wish to park. I have passed many areas where low hanging branches prevented me from parking without damage to vegetation or rig.
We stay at some truck stops on our longer trips. I found pointing your nose to the rear of a semi trailer next to you gives you more space between their idling engine or cooler and your sleeping area. Even when trailering, I have no problem backing out between semis and heading on our way the next day - I do not need to back in like the longer trailers.