Reddog1 wrote:
With the typical SRW pickup, and TC, I wonder if you could really tell the difference with steer tires in front and drive tires in the rear?
I find it interesting that some people are really serious about rotating their tires, and yet others (big rigs) cannot rotate due to drive tires in the rear and steer tires in the front. It kind makes me wonder which method is of the greatest importance.
Years ago, I was told the only reason to rotate the tires is so they all wear out at the same time.
I go through about 2 tires on my tow rig a year, and maybe 6 jeep tires a year. I *never* rotate. On my tow rig, new tires always go to the front axle, and I move whats there to the rear. When the rear wears out, the front axle gets new tires again.
Rear always wears out faster, I'm guessing its a throttle thing..