Old-Biscuit wrote:
We travel secondary/back roads
If I can get into the CG sites we have encountered during our travels then service stations are a breeze
I don't plan, worry or try to over think fueling.
I pull in fuel up and get out....if that takes backing up OH Well....BEEP, BEEP, BEEP
X2 I think this is a perception problem and one of experience towing. I just almost never have any problems with any gas station anywhere. And I am 55+ feet overall.
Remember every gas station is able to accommodate a tractor trailer/pup combination for fuel not to mention the Coke trucks and other delivery semis.
I do occasionally see a smaller station that I don't enter more because of the level of traffic in the place....but with experience you should be able to look at a station from the road and tell immediately if it's ok...and 99.99% will be just fine.
I go where the price is lowest