jmcgsd wrote:
I seriously doubt I'll ever need the AC in Sequoia.
The campground is at 6700'. The AC requirement is for DW when we camp at Bluegrass shows down in the flats.
As far as generator hours, at National parks they are normally pretty lenient, so I don't think that will be an issue.
As far as my battery, it's BIG! A 4D weighs about 140 pounds and is over 200 amp hours. There is also an independent SEC smart charger that is attached to it that will charge it pretty quickly.
If it weren't for the DW I wouldn't even be considering a 3kw.
Well then, that answers it. You need to get a generator, or pair of generators, that will run the AC. You just need to decide what you would prefer to; pay for, lift, carry, maintain, and store. A single bigger heavier generator or two smaller lighter generators. Really boils down to personal preference, the space available, and your back. I suggest you try lifting, and moving around, that 3Kw unit before you decide.