I suppose it is a function of how often you travel. We dump our black water, and then run in a couple of gallons for a fresh water flush, then dump the grey water. Finally we run in a couple of gallons of fresh water into the black tank and drop in a chemical treatment packet. We are good to go till the next outing.
I do not want to completely drain the black tank and let any residual solids solidify, so I suppose there is two to five gallons of treated water slushing around in the black tank at any given time.
Keep in mind the black tank is a temporary septic tank you carry with you. It is not supposed to be squeaky clean.
Because of the flat shallow nature of the tanks it is hard to keep crud from bridging the fill level sensors and giving you an erroneous reading. You will develop a feel for the tank level over time. In the winter I add a bit of the pink antifreeze to the few gallons of water left in the grey and black tanks.