From what I have been reading most of the new boat trailers are either all electric or electric over hydraulic. I was going to convert over to 100% electric but the cost was going to end up being $1,800 by time it was all said and done. With me doing all of the work
I had the boat come off the hitch do to a trailer coupling failure! The back coupler boss was worn out and allowed the boat to come off the hitch. The safety chains kept the boat from going anywhere other then into the rear bumper of my truck three times. :M
So after 45 minutes I was able to get it back on the truck and towed it 1/4 mile to the plant and dropped it there. Cost me a bumper but at least no one was hurt and the boat stayed with the truck! Up side there was no body damage to the truck just the bumper! Also the breakaway cable was pulled but the brakes never activated causing the boat to slam into the rear of the truck. Another reason I'm going with this system! Electric breakaway system.
