Which one is a best one? Nobody can say until each 'anomaly of concern' is defined. Obviously a more expensive ones address more anomalies. But a cheap one might address the only anomaly of concern. No recommendation is possible without first listing which anomalies cause concern.
Defined were four anomalies that are problematic in campgrounds. These are averted by disconnecting. No protector disconnects in nanoseconds. Disconnecting is done in milliseconds or longer. Sufficiently fast enough for all appliances - from anomalies that are averted by disconnecting.
A different anomaly that requires nanosecond responses also requires the protector to be as close to the pole (and earth ground) as possible. And with a greater separation between protector and appliances. That anomaly is rare compared to those other anomalies averted by disconnecting.
As defined by a list (in a denial), UL is about protecting humans. UL does not test for protection of appliances. Appliance protection never was and still is not the purpose of a UL listing. Human protection is UL's concern.