rbpru wrote:
I still have yet to have anyone tell me how they know their surge protector worked or is still working.
I know some of the high dollar units will tell you, about high and low voltage but do they kick out when a surge occurs or what?
On two separate occasions I wills say my TRC "worked" that I know of. Once it shut off due to low voltage. It was a crowded, older CG in Texas. Since I noticed it shut the trailer off, I went out to the pedestal with my little plug in meter and plugged it in at the ped.
Voltage was around 100V. I just unplugged for the rest of the afternoon, and switched my fridge to propane.
On one other occasion, there was a storm pretty far in the distance at night. Far enough I could see the flashes of lightning, but could not hear the thunder. I am "guessing" here, but with one flash of lightning, the TRC shut the trailer off. My guess is it saw a spike on the line, but that's all it is...a guess. Could have been coincidence. That time, again, I just went out and disconnected and left it unplugged overnight since the forecast was for storms. Again, I have no idea if that was really what caused it to trip out, and further, I have no idea if that if it was a spike, would have hurt anything or not, had I not had the TRC in the line.
Again though, as I and several others have said in this thread, the "people safety" aspect of this device makes it worth it to me. They are only $300 or so....that's cheap in my mind for a safety device that could save you from a shock.
So to answer the question, mine has shut off for a couple of the reasons it's supposed to, and still goes thru a normal start-up procedure when I plug it in. So I'd say "it's working".