Terryallan wrote:
And it should not sway at any speed with out sway control. As mentioned above. NEVER hide a sway problem under a sway control band aid. Adjust your trailer to the point that is does NOT sway at any speed, and then, and only then add sway control.
Sway control is only for those times when sway is induced by maneuvering in an emergency situation, like dodging a hazard in the road, or losing a tire. You should not need it any other time.
Case in point. My trailer has -o- sway at any speed. I don't need sway control to drive down the road. Trucks don't bother me, either when passing me, or me passing them. However I do use sway control. You never know when someone will cut you off, a Deer will run in front of you, or a tire will blow. That is what sway control is for.
Ah, the crux of the discussion! Yes, you should use some sort of sway control. The issue here is that it is not a band aid to use to take care of a more serious problem. Get your hitch set up correctly, make sure your trailer is balanced and then use sway control. I agree.