Forum Discussion

dockmasterdave's avatar
Nov 23, 2013

sway control

I just had to post this one. You won't believe it. I went out this morning to mount my new friction type sway control on our 21' Amerilite. We've had it about a year and use it frequntly for short trips. I figured sooner or later we'd be driving on a windy day, so better to add sway control before I really need it. Looking at the trailer tongue and thinking I got lucky, I'm just going to miss all those bolts on the side of the tongue. Wonder what they are for anyway. Shouldn't be anything there. HEY WAIT there are six of them just like the bracket I'm getting ready to mount. NO WAY YUP a previous owner had sway control, apparently even the same brand. Holes lined up perfect. That became a 5 minute job. How often does that happen. I feel like I should be real nervous right now. It has to be a set up. Oh and a quick question, do most of you use your sway control all the time or only on highways and windy days?
  • MM49 wrote:
    The mechanical system will soon be obsolete. They were never effective anyway.
    The new systems will be electronic sway control on the trailer.

    Electronic Sway Control

    I certainly like that concept better than a mechanical device.
  • Thanks Terry. Good point. I was thinking about winds and trucks on the highways, but hadn't thought about evasive maneuvers. That settled that.
  • Always use sway control, SFTER you adjust the hitch to the point the trailer does not sway. Sway control is made for those times when sway is induced by the driver in an emergency maneuver. Such as dodging a vehicle moving into your lane, or some other road hazard. When you have to jerk the wheel to dodge something. It's then too late to go add sway control.
  • Always use sway control, SFTER you adjust the hitch to the point the trailer does not sway. Sway control is made for those times when sway is induced by the driver in an emergency maneuver. Such as dodging a vehicle moving into your lane, or some other road hazard. When you have to jerk the wheel to dodge something. It's then too late to go add sway control.
  • Thanks MM49 that was a really interesting link. I'll be interested to see how they progress.
  • The mechanical system will soon be obsolete. They were never effective anyway.
    The new systems will be electronic sway control on the trailer.

    Electronic Sway Control
  • Same thing happened to me when i picked mine up at the dealer. Brought the drill and lotsa bits for nothing. Probably save me an hour or so looking for power and such. Im pretty sure most mfgs use the same "bolt pattern" for the friction sway bars.
  • Sway control is a part of our hitch. If I want to hitch up and tow I HAVE to use sway control....(Reese Dual Cam Strait-Line).
  • We use ours ALL the time as they also help when those big semis go flying by at 80 or 90! We remove them prior to entering a campground.