OP, be more specific. The fact that you mention it’s your “first trailer” and that it’s a good size trailer for a half ton, it could just be that your expectations aren’t in line with what it feels like to tow a trailer, or it could need some fine tuning.
Could be trailer is a bit light on the tongue and/or a lot of weight aft of the axles causing it to wag the dog a bit. Could be soft tires on the truck, could be not enough weight transfer and steering is light.....
Some expect a trailer to tow like it’s “not there.” Maybe a minor issue or 2 maybe nothing.
Some will say it’s too much trailer for the truck. I can tell you definitively, while it may be too much for some people, it is absolutely NOT too long or heavy for a new half ton. Not in the least. Difference in opinion, I know, but after 30 years of towing probably 100s or different trailers with dozens of different trucks of all sizes, it’s fine.
Some specifics could help dial it in or confirm its just normal behavior.