Forum Discussion

RCB1's avatar
Jul 15, 2023

swaying rear spare tire mount

We have a new trailer. On the back of my trailer there is about a 1 1/2 inch trailer hitch receiver tube with a hitch pin into which the 'L-shaped' spare tire mount is inserted. This mount with tire sways signicantly when in motion or when just pushed back and forth by hand. It is obvious enough that a passing motorist warned me that this is a hazard if it falls off, altho I think he exaggerated.
I am thinking a thin metallic shim between the receiver and spare tire mount would cure the problem, the gap is not very large, but is there a better solution? Is this swaying best ignored??
  • Yes I would solve this problem immediately for safety of all road travelers. Above recommendations sound great and fast.
  • When I got a bicycle carrier to mount on hitch it came with a pin that had shoulder, used a nut to clamp tight.
    Drill small hole thru side of it for alignment. Drill/tap the inside, enlarge the outside for tight fit on bolt.
  • they sell a bracket on ebay, that cures this put one on mine no sway at all. takes ten minutes to install.