JimK-NY wrote:
The 6000 mile tire rotation makes even less sense than the 3000 mile oil change. 6000 miles is a very small fraction of the expected life of the tire. Next if there is an issue causing rapid tire wear, rotating tires is not the solution and will only cover up the problem. I can see a tire rotation of maybe something like 30000 miles. Actually I have often gone several times that number of miles and never done a rotation. My current tires are not 19.5 commercial tires and they wear relatively quickly. I move the rear tires to the front and replace the rear tires with new tires roughly every 30-40k miles.
I think I’ll stick with what works for me over the last 55+ years with trucks and 1 ton vans and TT and a C and a fiver and 92k miles on Jeep Wrangler OEM tires and a few actual cars.
We have one more big trip with the TC planned for next year and then we will be down sizing to a new Jeep and hotels. The next owners can rotate as they see fit.
As I mentioned in my original post the OEM tires go back on the this truck for the winters and since we do about 15k a year there is a break somewhere around 6k for oil etc.