Unfortunately the brand new Palomino Mavericks I looked at locally were not good. They already had cracks and water leaks in many of the external seams and these were 2013 models. I felt the interior fit and finish was cheaply done. The rear exit door wouldn't close and stay latched. I wasn't impressed with the quality to say the least but that was after 3 years of Arctic Fox ownership. They are not even in the same class quality wise as an Arctic Fox. The one thing they have going for them though is they were about $10,000 cheaper than an Arctic Fox but you get what you pay for I suppose. I would definitely recommend AF over Palomino if your wallet and truck are big enough to handle it. Can't speak to Eagle Cap though, never seen one in person.
Make sure to get a camper with a basement as it makes getting into bed less of a climb as we get older.
What stuff did you haul in your truck bed? Would towing a small cargo trailer work? My AF had an onboard generator and plenty of storage for everything I ever needed to take, as a matter of fact my new Northern Lite has empty storage area's after everything is loaded and it's much smaller than my AF was. I do need a trailer for motorcycles in the future though.