Forum Discussion

SDcampowneroper's avatar
Mar 25, 2018

Taboos? Open waste valves Backing MH W/ 4 down etc.

Taboos? Open waste valves, Backing Mh W 4 down Etc.
I have often posted about supposed taboos in effort to educate that they are notimpossible, can be done safely, successfully with proaction, patience, knowledge ahead of myth.
Lets hear from you of your successes contrary to the nay sayers. Share your ways of doing safely, reasonably with resources what they say cant be done.
Edit placed the thread topic in the post. Hopefully you get the topic now. Share your presumably wrong way but works ideas.
  • Drove 70 and 75 MPH with ST tires and never had a flat with "China bombs"

    Used tires for way more then 7 years.

    Check bearings every 4 or 5 years and don't repack them if they don't need repacking.

    Leave the fridge one while driving.

    Feed my dog meat and vegetables from the table.

    Drink water from the holding tank without sanitizing.

    Never put chemicals in my black tank.

    Never used a sway bar
  • Towed 50,000 miles while over my GCWR and still here to tell about it.
  • Well lets see:

    #1. Left my waste valves open most of the time for over 40 years of camping with no adverse affects.

    #2. Drove 10's of thousands of miles at 70-75+ in ST tires with one tire in my life that shredded and that was due to low pressure from a nail/screw.

    #3. Check bearing about every 7 or 8 years. Never lost a bearing on a over 40 years..............ever.

    #4. Ran tires for sometimes over 10- 12 years. (see #2)

    #5. Drank water with no water filter on my trailer from all parts of the county and never got sick.

    #6. Drank out of a garden hose all of my life.

    #7. Filled up with gas many times without turning off my water heater.

    #8. Towed thousands of miles without a WD or sway control.

    #9. Never flushed my waste tanks.

    I'm sure there is a few more.
  • Carrying 8000 lbs on the rear axle and 4500 lbs on the front axle of a F250 while towing an additional 8000 lbs on a 28" extension for over 30,000 miles without failure or accident even though many of those trips traversed the Rockies?

    I had a good history with the 6.0 PSD for over 115k miles in 10 years towing all over the states west of the Mississippi River.

    I occasionally locally towed, launched and recovered a 28' closed bow Bayliner (friend owned it but had no truck) with an 80's Mazda pickup. The same truck was frequently towing a 22' Challenger over mountain passes safely while only getting single digit mileage out of a 4-cylinder.

    Is this what the OP is asking for?
  • fj12ryder wrote:
    My impossible task was to parse that sentence in such a way that it was at least somewhat coherent...but just couldn't be done.

    I actually LOL'd on that one and then AZ made me do it again!
    But I'm still trying to figure out what the OP wants.
  • My impossible task was to parse that sentence in such a way that it was at least somewhat coherent...but just couldn't be done.