Forum Discussion

pjay9's avatar
Oct 12, 2014

Tacoma RV Show

Well I wasted my money, even so I only paid 1/2 price, used my Merchant Marine Credential to get discount. All the TC's were outside and could have done them for free. I should have reviewed who was showing before buying ticket. There were no TC's inside and Lance was not there along with many of the others. Outside was AF and two others don't remember names...I was not impressed.

One fun thing I saw inside was the retro Winnebego in white and bright was done very nicely inside with simple stout fixtures/furnishings, no sharpe corners and no foo foo stuff. It was a gasser for 86K. The overhead sliding door cabinets worked very well and so smooth with positive lock/stop.

I did see some window coverings in the AirStream that would be very useful, so I did gain something but still not impressed. One last thing there was a rebuilder from OR at the show that was very knowledgable and is rebuilding an older Lance he will sell at the Portland RV show coming up, he says his asking price will be 10K. No I don't know the model or year. His web site is

Sure glad I didn't spend the full price of $12. No seminars, but an Elvis display semi trailer, took 10 minutes to go thru.

OH well! It used to be big, sign of the times.
  • Recently went to the Salt Lake City RV Show
    Encountered about the same but on a smaller scale.
    No accessories. 1 tc dealer(Lance). A few, make that very few MH`s
    And a Bunch of Camping World buzzards circling. Sorry Marcus!
  • have a good idea should plan a PNW gathering at the show and overwhelm them.
    Delta..That was the folks at Tac...Apache..just could not rememeber their name, thx for reminder. I didn't was it scary sitting on that MB was so narrow and granite countertop, what a waste of weight...did you notice the unuseable seat under the cabinets in back...silly design.

    BTW, This show has pushed me more toward the rebuild and wanting to get started. Didn't even get a tyvek carry bag at this show...gheeezzz!
  • This coming weekend is the WSSA Snow Expo in Puyallup. Apache Camping center will be there with some of their campers - probably Arctic Fox and Wolf Creek

    Vendor listing
  • We always do the early spring Seattle RV show. It has a good selection of TC's and also has half priced tickets. Maybe we should plan a rally/get together for this show?
  • His web site is
    his booth was to the left as you went in? Had green business cards? Seems like real honest guy. We're going to stash his card in RV somewhere.

    Did you catch price of that Airstream class B? To many people dreaming at it to see the price.

    We didn't see Elvis, but didn't know he was in town:B
  • Evergreen show was pretty much the same. 5 TC out of all those RV's. I understand that they are much harder to get to the shows but geez...5??? Nothing new. Except that I realized that some of the slide models actually have less storage than my old non slide. You lose that big cabinet over the dinette in most of them. Made me happier with my 1998 Pastime. Hoped that Torklift would be there but nope. $7 down the drain. So I went to look at trucks nearby.