rbpru wrote:
Caveman Charlie,
My “Kids” are in their late 40’s and I am about to finish my 70th orbit of the sun. We still canoe but now grandpa carries the fishing poles and the teenage youg’ns carry the packs and canoes.
We started the grandkids canoeing in the Boundary Waters before their first birthday and they have grown to love the out of doors as do my daughter and son-in-law.
Long portages are not our forte but grandma and grandpa can still hold our own on the water.
Oh , I see. I thought you meant you had kids of the "still in school" age. I hope I'm doing nearly as well as you when I've reached 70 orbits of the sun. I'm having trouble keeping up with the young teen kids we hired on the farm to pick rocks. You would think because I'm stronger that it would be easy but, for some reason my butt is really dragging at the end of the day and they are still wide awake.