We don't have any facilities for dumping at home, so always dump at the station as we're leaving. Before pulling out we add about 4 or 5 gallons of water and I generally toss in some Odorlos and/or enzyme. If it's more than 3 or 4 weeks between trips, I'll toss in another dose.....may be overkill, but I feel better about it. We've never had any odor issues. Getting tough - again - to find Odorlos, so I may give the Geo method a try. We used the blue stuff many years ago in our boats and then again when we got our '07 ROO, but only for a short while. Seemed like all it did was make everything smell like the blue stuff, which was not terribly good. I've been pleased with the Odorlos and wish it weren't so tough to find. BTW, we've never used the "RV Toilet Paper", but rather just the single ply regular stuff and have never had a problem with it's dissolving....the clear fitting lets us know these things.