If you have the typical KIB readout display, there are only 2 wires between a tank and the display so you can't reconnect anything at the display end. See the photo below.
There will be 4 button sensors on the side of a tank, each with it's own wire which are all spliced together before heading off to the display. It's very possible that the sensors were incorrectly connected at the factory. If you have an enclosed underbelly, you are SOL with taking a peek at the sensor wiring. The only way to fix it in this case would be to make a 3-sided access door wherever the tank sensors are or to take a section of the underbelly down.
Has it been like this as long as you've owned the TT or did it just happen? If recent and happening with all tanks, that would point to a faulty indicator panel. New KIB displays are pretty inexpensive.