Forum Discussion

salem10's avatar
Jun 22, 2015

Tank Sensor

Most sensor problems are they read full when empty. Mine is the opposite. Tank is 2/3 to full and sensor panel reads empty. I checked the wiring on the panel and all seems well. I have a 2010 Salem by Forest River. Is it possible the panel is bad?

  • Thanks red racer. That makes sense, my panel looks just like the one you are showing. I have 4 tanks plus battery. This just started happening within the past two weeks. Wit an enclosed underbelly getting to the tanks is not a option.

  • If you have the typical KIB readout display, there are only 2 wires between a tank and the display so you can't reconnect anything at the display end. See the photo below.

    There will be 4 button sensors on the side of a tank, each with it's own wire which are all spliced together before heading off to the display. It's very possible that the sensors were incorrectly connected at the factory. If you have an enclosed underbelly, you are SOL with taking a peek at the sensor wiring. The only way to fix it in this case would be to make a 3-sided access door wherever the tank sensors are or to take a section of the underbelly down.

    Has it been like this as long as you've owned the TT or did it just happen? If recent and happening with all tanks, that would point to a faulty indicator panel. New KIB displays are pretty inexpensive.

  • Had the same issue with my black tank. Always read empty no matter what. I was under warranty at the time. The dealer found that the wire to the sensor at the tank was not connected properly.
  • I have the same issue with my grey tank sensors, but haven't has a chance to look at it yet. My black tank and fresh water work just fine. My guess is I have a wiring issue somewhere.
  • No way to cross wires at panel, all wires are harnesses and plug in. Problem seems to be only black tank for now. I did notice two weeks ago the lights randomly flash when the black tank button was pushed.
  • Are other tanks showing correctly? Could be crossed wiring to black and grey are mixed up or could be bad board. I rarely look at mine as it is not worth the effort.