Bottom line is there are several acceptable ways and a couple bulletproof ways to accomplish safe towing with an overhanging load out of the truck bed (TC) and trailers of various configurations.
None of these ways are the best way or in some cases even safe for a particular combination.
Even if a particular way is acceptable or at least safe for the general traveling public around you, there are limitations. Period. Overhang, break over angles, clearance, turn radius, material and fabrication properties, etc etc all weigh in to what can be done.
My setup I used mentioned on a previous post here was by no means acceptable for some conditions. If I had to take that setup into downtown Seattle it would have bottomed out the hitch jack on hills, crashed the trailer into the camper on tight turns and prolly left me sitting blocking traffic, lol.
Doing big things with smaller vehicles requires some knowledge of physics, geometry and mechanical aptitude to do it safely, whether it's within some generic published guideline or not. It ain't idiot proof like pulling up to a parking spot and letting your parallel park assist guide your Ford Focus into the spot for your no parallel parking skills having self! (In general, not insinuating anything in particular)
That's why these are good questions as there are few if any one size fits all solutions.
All this said, the super hitch/truss is a well thought out and safe durable system that is more universal with less concerns than many other systems. And for those that are not able to put the right thought, knowledge and or experience into making a pickup do something it didn't come ready equipped from the factory to do, IMO it is the best general solution (albeit with limitations).