ajriding wrote:
Who has taken a full-height TC down some nasty roads, or Jeep roads where the truck leans and is at the limits of tipping the camper off or something of the sort?
I searched internet (never google), but find nothing.
I used to have a slide-in pop-up, but that does not count - light, low, and quite a useless unit for living in.
But, with a full height camper, and a desire to take the 4x4 to pristine camping spots I am curious to see what others have done.
My camper is supposed to be only 1,900lbs empty. No high interior cabinets or anything in the top 18 inches of the space except the shower head and the closet hanger. AC is currently in garage right now. So, very un-top-heavy for a TC.
I know the behemoth TCs that push 4,000lbs probably should not consider trails, but lighter models can
It all depends where your going..Most of what you see on this forum is desert camping,not high mountain camping..There is a big difference when it comes to truck campers for each..
I do virtually all my camping in the mountains of Idaho where with a truck camper, the biggest concerns is clearance for the dips and rocks,height for the trees and width also for the tree's etc and ofcourse,the leaning on the uneven terrain where height is your enemy.
DJ did a write up on the Maruder road here with a full size TC on a dually, that is a semi tough journey but with many side roads that will test any vehicle.I use my Yamaha Rhino for those types..
When choosing mine I took all this into consideration because this type of camping is all I do...Mine is 10 ft to the top of the ladder rack and I chose a heavy duty(more than I need for this camper) pickup for the least sway and tipping on the narrow heavily treed roads.
Everything said,there is alot of room for error and damage if one chose the wrong path just like in a jet boat on a rough river like the Salmon river here in Idaho..
So in answer to your question,it depends on your usage area..In my opinion desert terrain is more forgiving,others may disagree.