Kayteg1 wrote:
I experienced it myself and other members posted as well that weak point on the set are 1" square tubings on tie-down.
I was thinking about reinforcing them, but I figure it is much better to bend the tubing, than pull camper bracket out.
I'm glad I got the Torklift's then. One inch sounds scary, but could a camper actually bend it?
The Torklifts use heavy gauge 1.5 inch tubing for the inserts, which poke out about 10 inches. A camper that could bend this would be impressive.
At some point it seems you need a weak link or either the camper tie-down point will rip out, or the truck frame will get bent. Seems better to replace an insert piece than the former.
In such a situation wouldn't the steel insert bend quite a ways before it broke? Im interested to see these HJ that are broken. pics?