Forum Discussion

ajriding's avatar
Explorer II
Jan 21, 2019

TC and real off-roading

Who has taken a full-height TC down some nasty roads, or Jeep roads where the truck leans and is at the limits of tipping the camper off or something of the sort?

I searched internet (never google), but find nothing.

I used to have a slide-in pop-up, but that does not count - light, low, and quite a useless unit for living in.
But, with a full height camper, and a desire to take the 4x4 to pristine camping spots I am curious to see what others have done.

My camper is supposed to be only 1,900lbs empty. No high interior cabinets or anything in the top 18 inches of the space except the shower head and the closet hanger. AC is currently in garage right now. So, very un-top-heavy for a TC.

I know the behemoth TCs that push 4,000lbs probably should not consider trails, but lighter models can
  • I never intend to take my 12' camper for off-roading, but I was taking it on forest roads, where truck gauge reported 18% grade. My biggest dilemma was camper ties holding it from sliding back, but it hold just fine.
    Don't expect anybody to tell you side roll specification. I did some research years ago when I bought sophisticated suv, who was rated for taking 100% grades, but no word about side tilt.
    It is liability issue as static tilt and dynamic tilt are 2 different things and nobody will give you a number.
    But fact is, that as you noticed, TC being tall unit, is bottom heavy and even 3000 lb of camper is not much comparing to 8000 lb of truck.
    Meaning your COG will be just few inches above truck bed floor.
    Make sure to reinforce cabinet locks
  • As the owner of a wood framed truck camper, your concerns would be destroying the camper itself before rolling it over or flipping it off the truck. There really isn't any truck that can take that kind of load over the terrain you're talking about. Rough roads, hills, and switchbacks are one thing, but stairsteps, rock crawling, etc. is never going to be safe, no matter how equipped.
  • Why not search the TC forum here? Just in the last few weeks there have been several threads on off road travels, cewillis, whazoo just to name a couple others.
  • In the Sticky section of this sub forum go to trip reports and read Jefe4X4’s reports. Also on Expedition Portal under Hard sided truck campers look up Mundo4X4Casa. Same guy. Very interesting reads.
  • Search “jefe4x4” here and on other sites. Death Valler, Mojave Road, Anza Borrego and more. Plenty of good trip reports and tips.

  • We did more 4x4 when we had a single cab Ram with 35" tires and a bigfoot camper. We do take our current set up on BLM type dirt roads. Often it's low clearances that are more of an issue than uneven terrain.

    Limits of tipping the camper over? Never have gone that extreme. You may find that the camper will shift around in the bed. Also keep an eye on the tie downs and anchor points on the camper from failing over time.