Forum Discussion

Geewizard's avatar
Nov 20, 2015

TC generator saves the day.....and the fridge contents

I have fallen in love all over again. With my Honda EU2000i generator, that is.

A devastating wind storm knocked out power to most everyone in the Spokane and Coeur d'Alene areas on Tuesday night, a reported 380,000 people. Some will be without power until Sunday.


I rewired the gas furnace, ran extension cords to it and the refrigerator, DSL modem, and wife's computer, and outside through the dog door to the Honda and we were back in business very shortly.

I bet there wasn't a generator to be bought within 300 miles.

Glad I bought the Honda when I got the TC.
  • EU2k ran all last night, most of the day and is going to run all night tonight. The only times it doesn't run is when I run the big genny to power the well pump, or washer and dryer.

    I still don't have a very good ET for restoration of utility power.
  • Geewizard wrote:
    Are you on Avista?

    Nope, Inland Power.

    Power was restored sometime today while I was at work.

    I racked up 125 hours on one of my EU2000s. I loaned the other to my neighbor. Not sure what the total hours are on it yet.

    I put about 30 hours on the loud generator I bought on Thursday.
  • You have an hourmeter on your Honda? If so, what brand?
    I need to get one for mine.

    Thought I'd get a Tiny Tach since I used those on my Go-Devil mud motors in AK.
  • Now you'll getting a artic front coming down. We're getting out flows in the Fraser valley.