We had some friends that met up with us a few years in a row after we setup of 'rally' of sorts in Steamboat Springs in February to go camping. Her screen name was KarenAR and if you go search the archives for her posts you might find some good comments. For a few years they did an annual trip to Colorado to ski and they really liked their Alpenlite. It WAS heavy as some of the others noted, but so are most of the monster campers. The only complaint I remember them having was a water line ran right along the outside edge of the camper and they had problems with freezing until they had a dealer do some work (probably rerouting the line but I can't remember for sure.)
Here's a few pictures of that big Alpenlite on one of the trips we met them. We also camped another year with them in Leadville, on New Year's Eve, and skied at "Ski Cooper" a couple of days.

Not the greatest pictures, but might help. Why would anyone go camping in February in the high mountains? How about two reasons, not counting skiing.
Snow angels?

Hot Springs?

(both of these are from that trip with KarenAR.....and the beauty of the TC was they didn't have to unload their camper to drive the long bumpy snowy road to Strawberry Hot Springs and give us a ride as well. Try that with a motorhome!