Forum Discussion

clikrf8's avatar
Dec 17, 2013

TC Photo safari?

I posted a link to images from our 6 week adventure in the West. Lots of photographers came out of the darkroom (film and traditional darkrooms). I would sure enjoy meeting you all in person and share our experiences. It would also be fun to go shooting together somewhere for a day or longer. I have been on several photo workshops which were fun and instructional. This wouldn't be a workshop but a group of photographers going to scenic locations and having fun.

Our plans for 2014 are:
March/April: Death Valley/Eastern Sierras/Western Nevada/Eastern Oregon

May/June: Northern Nevada/Four Corners area/AZ strip/North Rim Grand Canyon

September/October/November: Yellowstone/Western Wyoming/Bryce/Zion

During the Summer months we hang around our own neighborhood to garden and avoid the crowds. But, we could always host a local gathering.

Anyone up for a photo safari?

Happy trails.
  • I think we would really enjoy the Overland Expo but we have scheduling conflicts. The weekend before has us at a plant sale (we grow perennials) and then daughter (who watches our home) won't be home until late that next Tuesday. It would be a bit tight to try to drive the 1441 miles in 2 days. Besides not enjoying interstates, we like to explore along the way. I may look in to having the neighbor's caretaker feed and water the cats and check on the greenhouse from Sunday until Wednesday which may work. Also, hubby and I are not in agreement about bringing one dog, leaving the other. I want both; he wants to leave Blitzen home for protection. It does sound very informative and a lot of fun.
  • bka0721 wrote:

    What I might suggest, with your Spring schedule to join in with many other TC enthusiasts, many of them avid photographers, at the Overland EXPO 2014

    I agree and Toller & Blitzen can walk with you in the Expo area too.
  • Hi clikrf8. Always enjoy your photography and look forward to anytime you are posting. While I am not a professional photographer like you and GpnAZ I sure am an enthusiast, when it comes to photography. It sounds like fun, what you are planning and feel you have an excellent schedule to grab some of the best locations, for the seasons. I would agree with you, bang for buck, the Red Rock Country for Fall Colors can't be missed and longer lasting than Wyoming and Montana.

    Yeah, winter in Death Valley is miserable!! Snow, wind storms, Haboobs, cold nights and even an occasional rain. Yep, stay away December through March! You'll just hate it. ;)

    What I might suggest, with your Spring schedule to join in with many other TC enthusiasts, many of them avid photographers, at the Overland EXPO 2014

    Have fun!

  • Hi there,
    I know there are some very capable photographers out there from your TRs. It is all about telling a story with images and you do it quite well. Thanks for the interest.

    the tc life: I am not sure when we will return from May/June trip, July into early August (4 of them) is packed with music festivals so August looks good. We actually have a campsite at our place but if it isn't reserved you can stay for free. Also, on our 6 acres I am sure there is a spot for you and your TC. Places to shoot would be Nooksack Falls, Mt Shuksan area, Whatcom Falls, Blue Canyon along shores of Lake Whatcom, Squires Lake, Lake Padden trails and other local places. Of course there is also the San Juan Islands, North Cascades National Park, Baker Lake, Skagit flats and river, etc. Some would be day trips, some overnighters.

    Gpn AZ: We usually stay at home in August to avoid crowds. This fall we plan to finish the Yellowstone/Tetons/Western Wyoming trip from last fall for the fall color so North Rim is relegated to around the May opening date That doesn't mean that we may not include it later on or in 2015. You do have many truly stunning photos and I drool at your locations. We will let you know our itinerary later and maybe we could meet up somewhere nearby. Nothing like local knowledge.

    ResSky: Yes, many miles and I was just throwing out locations to ponder. No firm itinerary and yes, we like to stay in a place longer than a day, or at least I do. Hubby gets bored and wants to move on but I am convincing him that you need to stay in an area to familiarize yourself with the light and features. And, to relax and explore. Thanks for the info on DV in late March; I have read that elsewhere so it is now confirmed. Due to sister visiting from Hawaii mid March we will leave around 3/20. I am just now planning for that trip so am open to ideas. We may skip DV or monitor weather and skip down to AZ strip and parts of Nevada. Weather also determines if we go the coast or inland. I really like Nevada so want to more thoroughly explore that area. Your November trip sounds like a winner. I am thinking that for 2015. Last trip we were gone for 6 weeks so maybe we will do Yellowstone/Tetons after Labor Day for a month, return home then come back. It just adds a lot of miles and winter pass driving is not a favorite, though. Website?

    I will post here again when next itinerary is more concrete although we never make reservations and plans are very flexible. Nothing like a TC/4x4. Adams and even earlier photography pioneers (I am thinking the Jackson with Powell?) really had logistics issues. You really have to admire them for their skills and tenacity.
  • Lots of miles. I would rather combine Yellowstone with eastern WA and OR in the fall in one trip and combine AZ, NM, and southwest CO into one trip. We did a Yellowstone to Zion trip last year and covered 3600 miles. I would not do it the same way again.

    I was in Death Valley in late March many years ago and I was never so cold with the extreme wind chill. Grapefruit sized rocks were being blown down the highway in the high winds.

    We are planning a Nor CA trip in May along the coast and inland into the gold country covering about 1800 miles in total. We will be in the Yellowstone area in late August. Another trip planned for mid-November will be to NM and Bosque del Apache for the sandhill cranes and then up to Taos and Santa Fe and back through the Chaco Canyon and Ship Rock, Monument Valley, and the Grand Canyon.

    From the itinerary you can see our travels are oriented largely toward wildlife and landscape photography. A crew cab or super cab 4WD truck with a camper makes a great photography base. Sure beats the heck out of Ansel Adams old Caddie with the platform bolted to the hood.
  • That sounds interesting and fun and we would probably be interested in the North Rim, although I will tell you that the North Rim is much more photographic in August/September time period. The Fall tour sounds good also, I will have to subscribe to this thread to see how it all shakes out.
  • im no photographer and in no way have the best camera but if you host a local gathering and the dates line up we could make a trip over the mountains.