An early heads up on a truck camper gathering that is planned to be held in La Grande, OR the second week of July in 2018. More details will be coming, but all are welcome.
There are some hot springs in the area and camping will be close to them. I don't want to give out information that may be retracted later but I will have some more to share after the weekend.
I went to the first (or maybe second) rally that NATCOA had in Lake McConaughy some years back (and 3 TC's ago.) It was a lot of fun! Wish I did not have so many activities competing for my time otherwise I might make plans to attend.
Good you give us advanced notice. I plan to go "warm" this season, but having family in Seattle area, can plan next summer vacations. Thanks for posting.
NATCOA is organizing this gathering, but there is no requirement to be member to attend and this is a brand agnostic group that loves to see variation rather than sameness or conformity. This is probably why I fit in...