Unless you intend to off-road in the mode of Whazoo and jefe 4X4, a slide-out TC will offer more room with less climbing over each other, we have found. I think it is important to have access to the toilet and other features (fridge and galley) with the slide in. Not all rigs are so capable.
We opted for a sofa rather than the dinette arrangement in our 2005 Lance 1121, which provides for comfortable sitting while on the computer or TV viewing. It is important to be careful deploying the slide only when fairly level and not when loading or unloading the TC. I often spray the slide tracks with chain lube.
Although we operate off road over sand on the beaches at Assateague Island and in several pretty remote spots in Alaska (we had more problems with over head branches in the woods than with the rigs ability to navigate the dirt roads.
Unless your following in the tracks of the likes of Whazoo and Jefe 4X4, a slide-out will be useable. But for the really remote spots on extra rough routes a slide-out rig is prolly not suitable. I would not consider a double slide for our uses, more complicated than necessary.