My question wasn't "how many times do you get in your TC in a day?". My question was if you could use the TC with the slide in.
I've been camping for over 45 years. Grew up in a TC, since married we have had travel trailer, fifth wheel, tents and my current TC for 5 years. I think I know how I travel and how many times I get into my TC. I designed a special rear step that can be used up or down only taking 2 seconds to lower (grab and flip). Yet I usually use it with the step up because the up/down is annoying for me. (Yes, two seconds to do something to have access is annoying to ME.)
But since folks can't see how I need so many accesses, here is a typical day:
Get up and get moving
stop for breakfast with a view
stop to go for a hike, change and grab gear
stop for lunch
stop for potti break
stop for dinner
stop for snack
stop for the night
That is seven stops there in a typical day. Doesn't even count if we went by a store for food, forgot something, had inclement weather, decided we needed the computer, extra drinks, etc. We hardly ever spend two nights in a row at the same spot. And if I do, I usually spend the day out riding around sightseeing.
I travel, I see, I don't stay still and sit around in chairs for hours on end. I'm always on the move doing stuff. May be hard to believe, but most days I don't go by gas stations or Walmart. I can spend a week on the Blue Ridge Parkway, traveling up and down as the weather and conditions demand. Over the week, may put 400 miles on the truck yet not move 20 miles between campsites or see a single place where a purchase could be made.
I also believe in FULL ACCESS to EVERYTHING in the camper whenever I stop. I don't want to have to plan what I put where depending on if a slide is open. This is one of the reasons I will never have a pop-up.
Realize most people don't travel like we do and that is fine.