Thank you Steve for your kind words... and for your detailed description of the latest Lance iteration.
The detailed descriptiom of your nrw camper makes me want to cry. It sounds like this camper should have a different model number.
The 1161 and the 1191, were very successful and over the years they had better materials and constructiond techniques and some unwelcom modifications... like losing windows.
Lance is telling us what we want instead of listening to us when we talk with the $$$$$
I guess my age is really showing... on this one... I just don't want change... and when I gotta go... PSA of 10+ would have me p'ing on the tires.
On a brighter note... you are going to love the Platcat Vented Cataletic heater... we set it's wall mounted thermostat and the furnace thermostat... the Platcat holds us most of the night unless it gets really cold... then the furnace might kick on for a cycle (this is a good thing, the forced air furnace distributes the warm air all through the Truck Camper just when you need the boost) The Platcat sips propane and eletricity. Be sure and cover any cat heaters when not in use... dust is a cat killer.