wanderingaimlessly wrote:
SidecarFlip wrote:
wanderingaimlessly wrote:
Run out of gas in the middle of a long stretch of lonely highway or out in the boonies, it's not too hard to get a couple gallons and get to a fuel station. I've helped others out that way multiple times.
But carrying a long extension cord is gonna be interesting to watch. I know I don't carry 15 or 20 miles.
Simple answer... Carry an inverter genny in the back, a GAS POWERED one. I know Tesla take a special plug right, wrong. You can plug a Tesla into a standard 110 volt or 220 volt outlet, The come with an adapter. My cousin has an X and when he visits, we plug it into my shop power so a portable genny would work too.
I'll never buy an electric car either but I like riding in my cousin't X and I like driving it too, goes like a scalded dog.
Not trying to start a fight online, but I just envisioned how much better for the environment it will be with a bunch of piggybacked portable generators hanging off the back of a tesla truck to get it back into town. :R
Well, if somebody runs out of power in an electric vehicle they are either a moron or can’t read their instrumentation. Tell the car where you are going. It will tell you if you are going to make it, if you need to go to a Supercharger, where the Supercharger is, if it is available etc etc etc. It’s not rocket science.