Forum Discussion

  • NamMedevac 70 wrote:
    Rivian has recalled almost all their 13,000(???) trucks and their investors are getting nervous about Rivian many financial troubles. Too bad hombres.

    Google search and business news is your friend if you are not low energy

    Meh. The recall is to re-torque a bolt on the front suspension. It’s done in the driveway of the owner.
  • LOL I had a couple of recalls on my last F150. I'll admit to low energy, though I can still live independently. :R Edit- Well heck, I did have energy to wire and rivet a new lighted license plate bracket on my trailer today!
  • NamMedevac 70 wrote:
    As usual Mr. Snob you missed the point that Rivian will soon be toast.

    Someone needs to really read who is posting and what is being posted. Makes me wonder if you’re really all there.
  • ^^^ Unfortunately he's not all there. I wonder if RVnet could contact whomever is supposed to be monitoring him.
  • NamMedevac 70 wrote:
    As usual Mr. Snob you missed the point that Rivian will soon be toast.

    Name calling isn't necessary.

    Nothing in the article even hints at that. One recall won't send them to the bin. Remember when Toyota recalled all of those Prius because of an accelerator issue? Or when VW got caught fudging diesel numbers? Both are still here and producing EVs by the tens of thousands.

    Rivian currently sits quite solid from a financial standpoint. From the same article:

    The cost of the recall is unlikely to dent Rivian’s substantial cash hoard. The company had $15.5 billion on hand as of the end of the second quarter, far more than most rival EV startups.