Forum Discussion

popupcamping's avatar
Sep 25, 2013

That's what those are for???

For quite a while I have wondered what the purpose was of the 2 aluminum brackets underneath my rear bunk.

Just saw an ad on kijiji for a pup and he had a picture showing his exterior door hanging from these brackets:S

I never would have guessed that is what they were for as my exterior door simply stays in place opened with a cargo latch.

Does anyone else use this place to store their exterior entrance door or do you just leave it in place as I do.

It certainly would be in my way there as I store stuff underneath the bunk
  • I hang a table from the pup so the door is moved to the bunk most weekend.
  • We've got both the "hinges" under our rear bunk and a cargo latch. If we're setting up for a couple of days I'll move the door to the back. If it's only 1-2 nights, cargo latch only.
  • My Jayco had not onboard storage options for the travel door, so I just leaned it against the rear bump with the "inside" of the door facing under the PUP so that if any rain and dirt splattered, it most hit the outside.

    Occasionally, I left the travel door on but the screen door would hit it and caused a hole in the screening to develop. I stopped doing that right away and stored the door.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    I guess my Starcraft 14RT POPUP is alot different here. The top half of my door is attached to the ceiling when in transport and then swings down to meet up with the lower half of the door which is permanent mounted to the trailer side. This make a whole door that opens up. Not removable...

    I end up with a small screen area in the top half of the door or can remove the two window panes and can have the whole upper part of the door with screen.

    Roy ken
  • When we had our pop up, I always stored the exterior door on these brackets. Ours would not shut with the screen door down and my preference was to have it out of the way.