My RV strategy is a bit different from others.
Mine also..I don't do RV parks/Forest-service pay sites or any spot that requires money to stay..
In central Idaho you can camp wherever you want anytime you want for free..Depending on the National Forest,the stay in one spot is 18 days which they rarely enforce but I am a roamer, so I rarely stay more than a week in one spot unless there is lots of easy firewood..
They pay more attention to people who camp by lakes and those bums that trash places making the spot look like a homeless spot...
Keep a clean camp without a bunch of stuff laying around and your good to go around here by any creek or lake of your choice.
Rarely we go to Lewiston for doctor stuff and have to spend the night..Sometimes I splurge and camp by the river in a State park and others it is Walmart...Last time was 3 years ago for the wifes surgery.
The winter is the only time any RV has problems in finding a good spot you can get into for nuttin..I have my winter spot along the Salmon river fishing and watching the jet boats at a much lower elevation yet just 45 miles away..
Truck campers do have there place in the wild outdoors..