rbpru wrote:
So, as had been posted on the forum before; a ½ ton pulling a 5000 lb. trailer can expect to get about 9 ½ to 10 mpg. at 60 to 65 mph. proved to be true.
Not just half ton, not just 5000 pounds. Any gasser towing any high walled RV seems to get 8-10mpg. The more power just means to downshifts less or accelerated quicker. But they all have to pull two sheets of plywood through the air which requires about a fixed amount of power and therefore fuel.
I can get 10mpg at 60mph. I usually drive faster and get 7-8mpg.
Gordon, are you locked in 4wd? That's the only time I get single digits non towing. Otherwise, 13mpg mixed winter, 14mpg summer, 18mpg non towing highway.