I have to agree with to each his own. We came with a Class C which we took EVERYWHERE! I do mean everywhere! The thought of owning 3 "vehicles" was too much, so we went with a 30ft TT.
The travel trailer was "fun" and "ok" then we realized it was nothing more than an apartment we owned in a campground. We went from our house to our apt all summer long. Too big to take to the secluded state parks, too big to take to kids soccer games, etc...
Now we have a Lance 855s. We also have 3 kids (14,13 and 8). This thing goes to the all day soccer games and we LOVE IT! Keeps the kids out of the rain, saves money since we have all of our food and if its an all weekend game, just shoot over to a state park and for a about $30 stay overnight. A LOT cheaper than a hotel.
On nice nights, I'll open a tent for the older kids, who love sleeping outdoors. During the day we use the TC to "check in" for food and chilling, but other wise we are all outdoors and loving it every minute.
So for us, the Class C was awesome, but the TC is more awesome. :)