crcr wrote:
That's interesting that the differential is reversed from Phoenix to Tucson. I wonder why that is?? I wouldn't have a clue. But as I said, I find that often the last couple of years, diesel has been less than gasoline here. I paid $2.549 for diesel on 12/31. Gas was about a quarter more. This is at Costco (one Costco here has diesel, and so does a Sam's Club near us, so we always fill up at Costco or Sam's).
The difference in diesel fuel prices between the two cities is probably because Phoenix has a diesel storage facility, but Tucson does not so they are paying the additional costs for it to be transported. There are less diesel storage facilities than gasoline so regional price differences may vary wildly depending on how far you are from the closest diesel storage facility. There may be a gasoline storage facilities in an area, but the diesel facility is in the next city over because it does not have enough demand to have one.