librty02 wrote:
I never stated that you directly stated my cost analysis was incorrect...What I said above was more of a question...what I meant was that you state that you will always come out ahead with a diesel and that simply is not true in all cases and that is the BS I'm talking about...always thinking we have that blanket answer for everyone everywhere
Those are not just winter prices for fuel in my area. Those are winter prices at this moment and YES diesel fuel is ALWAYS more expensive where I live it is ALWAYS at least .70 cent per gallon more than gasoline and rises here in the summer months to almost a entire dollar more per gallon than gasoline... Heck I've seen in the past 3 years a difference of $1.20 per gallon more in the summer months...its crazy
If I go by your fuel prices you stated above it would still cost me $4000 more to own that diesel over that 5 year period....BUT that $4k does not include maintenance costs either which will be higher for a diesel than a gasoline motor everyday.
AND the trade in values I gave are for the MODERN Diesel a 2015 VS 2015...which someone else stated would be a bigger difference with the modern diesels compared to the ones over a decade ago.
I would NEVER argue a gas truck is more powerful than a diesel we all know that is not true. A diesel does shine for sure but for me where I live it would be at a $4000 cost over those 5 years of ownership.
The thing is some people must ALWAYS be's either their way or no way and there just isn't one answer for everyone's needs. I'm correct in saying that a diesel would cost me 4k more where I live yes....but where you are it may be the opposite and be 4k more for the gas in the end...
Would I get the diesel over the gas for 4k yes but that is me 4k will not break my bank but for some it may
I never said everyone comes out ahead buying a diesel. In fact I have stated multiple times that the prices of fuel, resale, interests rates, and other things will vary depending on your location. I have also stated that many may find that the gas engine may come out to be a few thousand cheaper depending on where you live. My comment was toward those who have never done a cost analysis or say things like there is no difference in resale after 15 year without actually verifying it. If you have done the analysis and found out that the diesel may cost you a few thousand more and aren't willing to pay a few thousand over the course of five years for the added power and capability then my comment was NOT directed toward you. It was directed at those who do say these things without actually knowing for a fact. Those people are the ones talking BS.