No problem. We will all learn from your experience... :-)
Basically, I am color blind. If someone told me that a certain thing that I will be looking at is supposed to be say "green", when I go to look at it, it will be "green" even though it could actually be red or blue.
This way if you tell us what you are seeing as opposed to us telling you what you should be seeing, things should line up. IF they don't then we can dig down and see what's up. Perhaps its "operator error" but without doing the "basics", people will just be guessing at what you have done unless you specifically tell / show us.
Your problem is certainly "overcomeable", just need to go slow, be sure of what you are seeing / doing and telling us.
Further you indicated the following
"Maybe that was not clear. I know that when cool is selected, 12 volts is transferred to the yellow wire and the fan wire, etc. But otherwise, is there a low voltage on all the wires? "
IS this a statement of your understanding or an actual measurement of wiring? Just want to be sure / clear.... nothing else is implied by the question.
also, by any chance does your analog control relay box have a diagram on the back of the plate / side anywhere. IF it does, a picture will likely help immensely (I am looking around for one on-line).