Finally, got it all working, with one 'minor' problem. Here in south Texas, we definitely wanted the high speed fan for the AC, which is the Blue wire; the Brown wire is the low speed fan. However, when I put the Blue in the 'G', I had no fan. I could hear it click, but no fan. Putting the Brown in the 'G' gave a low speed fan. I tried many different combinations, including a switch between brown and blue, but this was the only configuration that worked. BRAINSTORM!!!! Why not rewire the control box? I disassembled the box and reversed the high and low speed wires on the terminals on the control board. Now, the Brown Low Speed Wire on the 'G' terminal produces High Speed Fan. Happy Camper.
Minor Problem: Every time that I worked on this, I tripped the breaker and turned the stat off. When I turned everything back on, the stat would put the compressor in protection mode for about 5 minutes before it kicked on. I know the purpose of the protection mode, but if the AC's been off for for 15 - 20 minutes, it should not need protection. Checking further, while it was running, I increased the set temp to 2 degrees above ambient temp, and after about 5 seconds, the AC kicked off. I waited a full 3 minutes and lowered the set temp to 2 degrees below ambient, cool flashed on the display, and it entered compressor protection mode again; this time for only about 2 minutes. Anyone offer an explanation and fix for this minor problem?